News Item from Danbury-News Times, 1/22/08. A resident of the Westwood Village Condominiums, who was interviewed by a News-Times reporter, exclaimed, "I was woken up about 2:30 by fire engines...there's a lot of false alarms, I tried to go back to sleep.
But then I saw a lot of sirens and got up...As soon as I pulled up the blinds it was ablaze." Now that has to be a situation of sensory acuity we rarely see. I mean, when was the last time the reader saw sirens? I'm waiting for the next article to report a man who heard flashing lights. The article concludes with a statement by a firefighter, that continues to leave one further confused. He remarks, "Our guys both paid and volunteer, performed admirably.
We're just pleased nobody was hurt (seriously)." Uh, he was seriously pleased no one was hurt, or no one was seriously hurt. It turns out that the latter was true--we think. Who can be sure, for sure? I think I'll go get a glass of wine, suck it through my nose, and see what I hear (seriously).