I am a clinical psychologist, photographer, editor of local Rotarian award winning newsletter, behavioral scientist and author of The Belt Theory of Juvenile Delinquency. I have one wife, 2 dogs, 4 children and 4 grand children. One daughter is a gifted artist; the other three (2 boys and a girl) are just medical doctors. Oh yes. I am a jack Mormon. You can look that one up.
Whether one goes on the slopes during the day or night, one can find most snowboarders sitting, or standing in the middle of the road. Snowboarders are generally young and out of touch with reality.
This little fellow is none too happy to be trapped underneath a bell jar. In a gesture of peace with his extended family (and we trust it is quite extended) he was released to the wild.
I spied this turkey down the street from our place. I've seen turkeys before, but never with nine little ones. As far as I could tell, they were all very well behaved.