I am a clinical psychologist, photographer, editor of local Rotarian award winning newsletter, behavioral scientist and author of The Belt Theory of Juvenile Delinquency. I have one wife, 2 dogs, 4 children and 4 grand children. One daughter is a gifted artist; the other three (2 boys and a girl) are just medical doctors. Oh yes. I am a jack Mormon. You can look that one up.
Creeping Charlie is the bane of many gardeners. Its blossoms are tiny, but profligate. Still, we find Charlie has his entertaining side. He likes to scare small creatures and apparently gets a real kick out of it.
Rotarians are very trusting, but cautious, too. Here we see a Rotarian carefully examining a bill handed to him, as part of his change, for a five. Perhaps it was the source (a fellow Rotarian who does not attend on a regular basis).
His bark is worse than his bite--'cause he only barks. He doesn't bite, but he is still a formidable creature to those who want to drop something off at the house. He loves scaring the devil out of folks.