Friday, December 21, 2007


I am one of those shrinks who has been accused of being an advocate of permissive child rearing. Unfortunately, this is a term that quickly took on a pejorative element since many parents took it to mean "Let the kids do whatever they please." If that is what the term means, I am far from permissive. I believe that children, like all animals on this planet, want direction and structure, both of which make a child feel secure. My approach is best described as "consensual" child rearing. I believe that parents must be highly active in their children's upbringing, but need not be punitive in doing so. In fact, after more than 25 years of reasearch into the causes of delinquency and aggression in children, I am force to conclude that the single most damaging act a parent can engage in is hitting their child. After all, just try to socialize a pit bull by hitting it--not a really good idea. Past recipients of the "belt" include Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Idi Amin, and all of the 9/11 highjackers we have data on. I will say more, later, but encourage the reader to check out my views on the web by typing in Ralph S. Welsh, PhD, and you will find a good sampling of my work.

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