Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Intrepid 5 year old Pigeon Thief

While visiting Puerto Rico, we stopped by a park famous for its friendly pigeons. One can even buy grain, there, to feed them. A mother, in response to her son's unhappiness at not being able to "pet" one, gave her son some grain, and encouraged him to catch one believing it was impossible--and by golly, catch one he did. The boy was delighted, the mother was horrified, and the stubby little woman selling the grain was screeming at the boy to let the bird go. Even with some effort, it took several minutes for the mother to pry the boy's fingers off the hapless bird's wing. The boy was, of course, very disappointed that mom would not let him take the birdie home. It was a real life tragicomedy. Note: View photos from bottom to top.

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