Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Waiting for the Vet

I like the lady and her dog in matching "hoods." The second lady is obviously worried. A shaven dog suggests all is not well with Fido. I think the dog in the hood would swallow the other dog whole if he were given the chance. When one enters the office of the vet, one enters no-mans-land for potential animal interactions.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Of course I like the dog picture! One of our interactions -- Blanche is obsessed with cat carriers, obviously understanding what's inside. At the vet once, the vet tech was taking her to the back for a shot and didn't notice her fixation on the cat carrier as they passed. I did notice, and I grabbed the back of the carrier a split second before Blanche grabbed a front corner. Being a bulldog, "drop" is not a skill she has mastered. So after a stand-off of some time, with the receptionist attempting to pry her jaws open, she finally let go. The cat inside was fine (if traumatized for life), and Blanche had it noted in her "permanent record" that she is not cat friendly.